Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tick Tock

Actually, these are bright white but you know, shadows and all. (That's why I write blogs and am not a professional photographer!) These are the Ring Pillow and the Guest book that would be used during the wedding and reception. I started to have a feeling of a 'time crunch' towards the end of June. Was everything taken care of? Did we forget anything? Because we accomplished so many of the details of the wedding during January and February, both McKenna and would look at each and ask, "What are we forgetting?" The whole family was now not only on a wedding countdown but we conveniently put in a two week vacation in July to countdown as well. And enjoy. We all then realized that when we returned from vacation, we would have only a finite number of weekends for parties and events before the wedding. Another shower, a bachelorette party and a bachelor party, Labor Day and then WEDDING! Yikes.

Did I introduce you to the Ring Bearer? No? Well, here she is.....

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