Thursday, September 18, 2008

How times have changed!

When I got married, oh, a million years ago, we only had one place to order wedding invitations. There was no internet. Only Hallmark and their Kodak moments. The relative ease of ordering invitations now was merely to pick out what you liked best. Oh, and the font. And the color of the font. And the envelope liner color. And the different font for the names. And did you want glitter in the font color?

When they say that the devil is in the details, they weren't kidding. At this point, McKave (McKenna + Dave) had picked a date AND locale. The stars were aligning.

1 comment:

Shaina said...

Couple things:

1st I like the picture mucho better!!!!!!!!!

2nd I don't appreciate the heavy artillery comment, thank you very much. I was well into my pregnancy by then!